Celkem nalezeno: 245 záznamů |
Frouz J. (1997) Changes in communities of soil dwelling dipteran larvae during secondary succession in abandoned fields European Journal of Soil Biology
33: 57-65.
Frouz J., Šantrůčková H.,
Kalčík J. (1997) The effect of wood ants (Formica polyctena Foerst.) on the transformation of phosphorus in a spruce plantation Pedobiologia
41: 437-447.
Frouz J. (1996) The role of nest moisture in thermorégulation of ant (Formica polyctena, Hymenoptera, Formicidae) nests Biologia
51: 541-547.
Frouz J. (1994) Changes in the terrestrial chironomid community (Diptera: Chironomidae) during secondary succession in old fields Pedobiologia
38: 334-343.
Frouz J. (1993) Diversity and community structure of terrestrial chironomids (Diptera: Chironomidae) in agroecosystem and early stages of secondary succession Ecology (Bratislava)
12: 285-290.