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Celkem nalezeno: 246 záznamů
Boháč J., Frouz J., Syrovátka O. (2005) Communities of carabids and staphylinids in seminatural and drained peat meadows in Southern Bohemia Ekologia Bratislava 24: 292-303.
Frouz J., Kalčík J., Čudlin P. (2005) Accumulation of phosphorus in nests of red wood ants Formica s. str. Annales Zoologici Fennici 42: 269-275.
Frouz J., Krištůfek V., Bastl J., Kalčík J., Vaňková H. (2005) Determination of toxicity of spoil substrates after brown coal mining using a laboratory reproduction test with Enchytraeus crypticus (oligochaeta) Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 162: 37-47.
DOI: 10.1007/s11270-005-5991-y
Frouz J., Nováková A. (2005) Development of soil microbial properties in topsoil layer during spontaneous succession in heaps after brown coal mining in relation to humus microstructure development Geoderma 129: 54-64.
DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2004.12.033
Frouzová J., Kubečka J., Balk H., Frouz J. (2005) Target strength of some European fish species and its dependence on fish body parameters Fisheries Research 75: 86-96.
DOI: 10.1016/j.fishres.2005.04.011
Holec M., Frouz J. (2005) Ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) communities in reclaimed and unreclaimed brown coal mining spoil dumps in the Czech Republic Pedobiologia 49: 345-357.
DOI: 10.1016/j.pedobi.2005.03.001
Šourková M., Frouz J., Fettweis U., Bens O., Hüttl R., Šantrůčková H. (2005) Soil development and properties of microbial biomass succession in reclaimed post mining sites near Sokolov (Czech Republic) and near Cottbus (Germany) Geoderma 129: 73-80.
DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2004.12.032
Šourková M., Frouz J., Šantrůčková H. (2005) Accumulation of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus during soil formation on alder spoil heaps after brown-coal mining, near Sokolov (Czech Republic) Geoderma 124: 203-214.
DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2004.05.001
Frouz J., Ali A. (2004) Soil macroinvertebrates along a successional gradient in central Florida Florida Entomologist 87: 386-390.
Frouz J., Ali A., Frouzova J., Lobinske R. (2004) Horizontal and vertical distribution of soil macroarthropods along a spatio-temporal moisture gradient in subtropical central Florida Environmental Entomology 33: 1282-1295.
Frouz J., Ali A., Lobinske R. (2004) Algal food selection and digestion by larvae of the pestiferous chironomid Chironomus crassicaudatus under laboratory conditions Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association 20: 458-461.
Frouz J., Ali A., Lobinske R. (2004) Laboratory evaluation of six algal species for larval nutritional suitability of the pestiferous midge Glyptotendipes paripes (Diptera: Chironomidae) Journal of Economic Entomology 97: 1884-1890.
Frouz J., Lobinske R., Ali A. (2004) Influence of Chironomidae (Diptera) faecal pellet accumulation on lake sediment quality and larval abundance of pestiferous midge Glyptotendipes paripes Hydrobiologia 518: 169-177.
DOI: 10.1023/B:HYDR.0000025066.62554.7e
Frouz J., Pižl V., Tajovský K., Balík H., Starý J., Lukešová A., Šourková M. (2004) The role of saprophagous macro-fauna on soil formation in reclaimed and non-reclaimed post-mining sites in central Europe International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences 30: 257-261.
Oravecz O., Elhottová D., Krištůfek V., Šustr V., Frouz J., Tříska J., Márialigeti K. (2004) Application of ARDRA and PLFA analysis in characterizing the bacterial communities of the food, gut and excrement of saprophagous larvae of Penthetria holosericea (Diptera: Bibionidae): A pilot study Folia Microbiologica 49: 83-93.
Frouz J., Holásek M., Šourková M. (2003) Comparison of various methods of cellulose decomposition measurement applied in post-mining soils chronosequence Ekologia Bratislava 22: 348-357.
Frouz J., Holec M., Kalčík J. (2003) The effect of Lasius niger (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) ant nest on selected soil chemical properties Pedobiologia 47: 205-212.
DOI: 10.1078/0031-4056-00184
Frouz J., Krištůfek V., Li X., Šantrůčková H., Šustr V., Brune A. (2003) Changes in amount of bacteria during gut passage of leaf litter and during coprophagy in three species of bibionidae (Diptera) larvae Folia Microbiologica 48: 535-542.
Frouz J., Matěna J., Ali A. (2003) Survival strategies of chironomids (Diptera: Chironomidae) living in temporary habitats: A review European Journal of Entomology 100: 459-465.
Ali A., Frouz J., Lobinske R. (2002) Spatio-temporal effects of selected physico-chemical variables of water, algae and sediment chemistry on the larval community of nuisance Chironomidae (Diptera) in a natural and a man-made lake in central Florida Hydrobiologia 470: 181-193.
DOI: 10.1023/A:1015696615939
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