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Celkem nalezeno: 1248 záznamů
Frouz J., Van Diggelen R., Pižl V., Starý J., Háněl L., Tajovský K., Kalčík J. (2009) The effect of topsoil removal in restored heathland on soil fauna, topsoil microstructure, and cellulose decomposition: Implications for ecosystem restoration Biodiversity and Conservation 18: 3963-3978.
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Hynšt J., Šimek M. (2009) N2O emissions from low and moderately disturbed pasture soils-field tests of minimal and maximal N supply Plant and Soil 320: 195-207.
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Klementová Š., Kříž D., Kopáček J., Novák F., Porcal P. (2009) UV photoinitiated changes of humic fluorophores, influence of metal ions Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences 8: 582-586.
Küpper H., Andresen E., Wiegert S., Šimek M., Leitenmaier B., Šetlík I. (2009) Reversible coupling of individual phycobiliprotein isoforms during state transitions in the cyanobacterium Trichodesmium analysed by single-cell fluorescence kinetic measurements Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Bioenergetics 1787: 155-167.
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Philippot L., Bru D., Saby N., Čuhel J., Arrouays D., Šimek M., Hallin S. (2009) Spatial patterns of bacterial taxa in nature reflect ecological traits of deep branches of the 16S rRNA bacterial tree Environmental Microbiology 11: 3096-3104.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1462-2920.2009.02014.x
Philippot L., Čuhel J., Saby N., Chèneby D., Chroňáková A., Bru D., Arrouays D., Martin-Laurent F., Šimek M. (2009) Mapping field-scale spatial patterns of size and activity of the denitrifier community Environmental Microbiology 11: 1518-1526.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1462-2920.2009.01879.x
Pižl V., Schlaghamerský J., Tříska J. (2009) The effects of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and heavy metals on terrestrial annelids in Urban soils [O efeito de hidrocarbonetos aromáticos policíclicos e metais pesados em anelídeos terrestres de solos Urbanos] Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira 44: 1050-1055.
DOI: 10.1590/S0100-204X2009000800038
Porcal P., Amirbahman A., Kopáček J., Novák F., Norton S. (2009) Photochemical release of humic and fulvic acid-bound metals from simulated soil and streamwater Journal of Environmental Monitoring 11: 1064-1071.
DOI: 10.1039/b812330f
Roubíčková A., Mudrák O., Frouz J. (2009) Effect of earthworm on growth of late succession plant species in postmining sites under laboratory and field conditions Biology and Fertility of Soils 45: 769-774.
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Šustr V., Pižl V. (2009) Oxygen consumption of the earthworm species Dendrobaena mrazeki European Journal of Soil Biology 45: 478-482.
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Šustr V., Šimek M. (2009) Methane release from millipedes and other soil invertebrates in Central Europe Soil Biology and Biochemistry 41: 1684-1688.
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Véle A., Holuša J., Frouz J. (2009) Ecological requirements of some ant species of the genus Formica (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in spruce forests Journal of Forest Science 55: 32-40.
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