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Celkem nalezeno: 1241 záznamů
Ran N., Gabay T., Petrová E., Angel R., Herzberg M., Gillor O. (2024) Development, growth, and function of biofilm communities on reverse osmosis membranes desalinating tertiary effluent Desalination 582: Article number 117658.
DOI: 10.1016/j.desal.2024.117658
Richy E., Dobbler P.T., Tláskal V., López-Mondéjar R., Baldrian P., Kyselková M. (2024) Long-read sequencing sheds light on key bacteria contributing to deadwood decomposition processes Environmental Microbiome 19: Article number 99.
DOI: 10.1186/s40793-024-00639-5
Sabotič J., Bayram E., Ezra D., Gaudêncio S.P., Haznedaroğlu B.Z., Janež N., Ktari L., Luganini A., Mandalakis M., Šafařík I., Simes D., Strode E., Toruńska-Sitarz A., Varamogianni-Mamatsi D., Varese G.C., Vasquez M.I. (2024) A guide to the use of bioassays in exploration of natural resources Biotechnology Advances 71: Article number 108307.
DOI: 10.1016/j.biotechadv.2024.108307
Šafařík I., Akgül F., Procházková J., Akgül R. (2024) Native and magnetically modified Ulva rigida biomass for dye removal Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery 14: 32359–32365.
DOI: 10.1007/s13399-023-04938-8
Šafařík I., Procházková J. (2024) Soil montmorillonite can exhibit peroxidase-like activity Clay Minerals 59: 22-25.
DOI: 10.1180/clm.2024.3
Šafařík I., Procházková J. (2024) Color catcher sheets for the construction of low‑cost, planar optical sensors Fibers and Polymers 25: 4099–4107.
DOI: 10.1007/s12221-024-00713-2
Šafařík I., Procházková J., Zelená Pospíšková K. (2024) Copper–chitosan-modified magnetic textile as a peroxidase-mimetic catalyst for dye removal Separations 11: Article number 325.
DOI: 10.3390/separations11110325
Shrubovych Y., D'Haese C. (2024) Phylogeny of Australian Acerentomidae species (Protura: Acerentomidae), with a key to identification Zootaxa 5453: 86–104.
DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5453.1.4
Shrubovych Y., Sternalski J., Čuchta P., Rusek J. (2024) Prelarval stages of Acerentomata (Protura): morphological peculiarities and phenology Zootaxa 5471: 148–150.
DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5471.1.11
Šimek M. (2024) Desatero péče o půdu a abeceda hospodáře. Biologické centrum AV ČR, v.v.i. Ústav půdní biologie a biogeochemie, České Budějovice, 76 pp.
Šmejkal M., Thomas K., Šmejkalová Z., Stepanyshyna Y., Bartoň D., Tapkir S., Meador T.B., Vašek M. (2024) Isotopic niches reveal the impact of topmouth gudgeon and gibel carp on native crucian carp. NeoBiota 93: 203-224.
DOI: 10.3897/neobiota.93.119274
Šustr V., Sardar P., Chroňáková A., Angel R., Nweze J., Lorenc F. (2024) Microbial fermentation in the gut of the millipede Telodeinopus aoutii (Demange, 1971) (Spirostreptidae) in light of holobiont metatranscriptomics In: Martínez-Torres, D. (ed.) - Program and abstracts of 19th International Congress of Myriapodology. Bogota, Sociedad Colombiana de Entomología, p. 53. ISBN 978-958-99120-8-9.
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DOI: 10.1016/j.jinsphys.2023.104583
Tajovský K. (2024) K poznání půdní fauny mokřadních ekosystémů povodí Svitavy – lokalita Hodiška Zprávy vlastivědného muzea v Olomouci č. 327: 20-37.
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Tláskal V. (2024) Sodalis – bakterie na pomezí Živa 72 (1): 2-4.
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DOI: 10.1007/s42690-024-01299-1
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Tůmová M., Jílková V., Macek P., Devetter M. (2024) Tardigrade distribution in soils of high Arctic habitats Ecology and Evolution 14: Article number e11386.
DOI: 10.1002/ece3.11386
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