Celkem nalezeno: 86 záznamů |
Porcal P., Frejlachová K., Kopáček J., Nedoma J., Šavrdová T. (2017) Photochemical cleaving of allochthonous organic-metal complexes contributes to phosphorus immobilization in surface waters. Chemosphere
167: 374-381.
DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2016.10.022 |
Kopáček J., Hejzlar J., Kaňa J.,
Porcal P., Turek J. (2016) The sensitivity of water chemistry to climate in a forested, nitrogen-saturated catchment recovering from acidification. Ecological Indicators
63 : 196–208.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2015.12.014 |
Kopáček J., Bičárová S., Hejzlar J., Hynštová M. M., Kaňa J., Mitošinková M.,
Porcal P., Stuchlík E., Turek J. (2015) Catchment biogeochemistry modifies long-term effects of acidic deposition on chemistry of mountain lakes. Biogeochemistry
125 : 315–335 .
DOI: 10.1007/s10533-015-0127-y |
Porcal P., Dillon P., Molot L. (2015) Temperature dependence of photodegradation of dissolved organic matter to dissolved inorganic carbon and particulate organic carbon PLoS ONE
10: e0128884.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0128884 |
Kopáček J., Hejzlar J.,
Porcal P., Posch M. (2014) Sulphate leaching from diffuse agricultural and forest sources in a large central European catchment during 1900–2010. Science of the Total Environment
470: 543–550..
Kopáček J., Hejzlar J.,
Porcal P., Posch M. (2014) A mass-balance study on chloride fluxes in a large central European catchment during 1900–2010. Biogeochemistry
120: 319–335..
Porcal P., Dillon P., Molot L. (2014) Interaction of extrinsic chemical factors affecting photodegradation of dissolved organic matter in aquatic ecosystems. Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences
13: 799–812..
Porcal P., Kopáček J.,
Tomková I. (2014) Seasonal photochemical transformations of nitrogen species in a forest stream and lake. PLOS ONE
9: e116364..
Turek J., Fluksová H., Hejzlar J., Kopáček J.,
Porcal P. (2014) Modelling air temperature in catchments of Čertovo and Plešné lakes in the Bohemian Forest back to 1781. Silva Gabreta
20: 1–24. .
Kopáček J., Fluksová H., Hejzlar J., Kaňa J.,
Porcal P., Turek J., Žaloudík J. (2013) Chemistry of tributaries to Plešné and Čertovo lakes during 1998–2012. Silva Gabreta
19: 105–137..
Kopáček J., Fluksová H., Kaňa J.,
Porcal P., Turek J., Žaloudík J. (2013) Chemical composition of atmospheric deposition in the catchments of Plešné and Čertovo lakes in 1998–2012. Silva Gabreta
19: 1–23..
Mcenroe N., Williams C., Xenopoulos M.,
Porcal P., Frost P. (2013) Distinct optical chemistry of dissolved organic matter in urban pond ecosystems. PLOS ONE
8: e80334..
Porcal P., Dillon P., Molot L. (2013) Seasonal changes in photochemical properties of dissolved organic matter in small boreal streams. Biogeosciences
10: 5533–5543..
Porcal P., Dillon P., Molot L. (2013) Photochemical production and decomposition of particulate organic carbon in a freshwater stream. Aquatic Sciences
75: 469–482..
Kopáček J., Turek J., Hejzlar J.,
Porcal P. (2011) Bulk deposition and throughfall fluxes of elements in the Bohemian Forest (central Europe) from 1998-2009. Boreal Environment Research
16: 495-508..
Porcal P., Amirbahman A., Kopáček J., Norton S. (2010) Experimental photochemical release of organically bound aluminum and iron in three streams in Maine, USA. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
171: 71–81..
Klementová Š., Kříž D., Kopáček J.,
Novák F.,
Porcal P. (2009) UV photoinitiated changes of humic fluorophores, influence of metal ions. Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences
8: 582–586..
Klementová Š., Kříž D., Kopáček J.,
Novák F.,
Porcal P. (2009) UV photoinitiated changes of humic fluorophores, influence of metal ions Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences
8: 582-586.
Kopáček J., Hejzlar J., Kaňa J., Norton S.,
Porcal P., Turek J. (2009) Trends in aluminium export from a mountainous area to surface waters, from deglaciation to the recent. Effects of vegetation and soil development, atmospheric acidification, and nitrogen-saturation. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry
103: 1439–1448..
Porcal P., Amirbahman A., Kopáček J.,
Novák F., Norton S. (2009) Photochemical release of humic and fulvic acid-bound metals from simulated soil and streamwater. Journal of Environmental Monitoring
11: 1064–1071..