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Celkem nalezeno: 1245 záznamů
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DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2021.108189

Dokumenty ke stažení:
Angst et al. 2021 (pdf)
Angst G., Pokorný J., Mueller C.W., Prater I., Preusser S., Kandeler E., Meador T.B., Straková P., Hájek T., van Buiten G. , Angst Š. (2021) Soil texture affects the coupling of litter decomposition and soil organic matter formation Soil Biology and Biochemistry 159: Article number 108302.
DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2021.108302
Artykulnyi O.P., Avdeev M.M., Kosiachkin Y.M., Petrenko V.I., Šafařík I., Bulavin L.A. (2021) Neutron investigation of interaction between anionic surfactant micelles and poly (ethylene glycol) polymer brush system Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy 22: 149-156.
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Asliyüce Çoban S., Šafařík I., Denizli A. (2021) Heavy metal removal with magnetic coffee grain Turkish Journal of Chemistry 45: 157-166.
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Bagheri-Kordeshami A., Khajehali J., Nourbakhsh F., Ardestani Masoud M. (2021) Responses of soil-inhabiting mesostigmatid mites to deforestation and disturbance in oak (Quercus brontii) forests of southwestern Iran Journal of Forest Science 67: 562–569.
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DOI: 10.1016/j.apsoil.2021.104035
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