List of publications
Total found: 290 records |
Šustr V.,
Semanová S., Rost-Roszkowska M.,
Tajovský K., Sosinka A., Kaszuba F. (2020) Enzymatic activities in the digestive tract of spirostreptid and spirobolid millipedes (Diplopoda: Spirostreptida and Spirobolida) Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part B
241: Article number 110388.
DOI: 10.1016/j.cbpb.2019.110388 |
Šustr V.,
Šimek M.,
Faktorová L.,
Macková J.,
Tajovský K. (2020) Release of greenhouse gases from millipedes as related to food, body size, and other factors Soil Biology and Biochemistry
144: Article number 107765.
DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2020.107765 |
Tůma J., Eggleton P., Fayle T. M. (2020) Ant-termite interactions: an important but under-explored ecological linkage. Biological Reviews
95: 555-572.
DOI: 10.1111/brv.12577 |
Vicentini F., Hendrychová M.,
Tajovský K.,
Pižl V.,
Frouz J. (2020) The effect of topography on long-term spontaneous development of soil and woody cover on graded and untreated overburden Forests
11: Article number 602.
DOI: 10.3390/f11050602 |
Baranovská E.,
Tajovský K., Knapp M. (2019) Changes in the body size of carabid beetles along elevational gradients: A multispecies study of between- and within-population variation Environmental Entomology
48: 583–591.
DOI: 10.1093/ee/nvz036 |
Bluhm S.L., Potapov A.M.,
Shrubovych Y., Ammerschubert S., Polle A., Scheu S. (2019) Protura are unique: first evidence of specialized feeding on ectomycorrhizal fungi in soil invertebrates BMC Ecology
19: 1-7.
DOI: 10.1186/s12898-019-0227-y |
Čuchta P., Kaňa J., Pouska V. (2019) An important role of decomposing wood for soil environment with a reference to communities of springtails (Collembola) Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
191: 222.
DOI: 10.1007/s10661-019-7363-x |
Čuchta P., Miklisová D., Kováč Ľ. (2019) The succession of soil Collembola communities in spruce forests of the High Tatra Mountains five years after a windthrow and clear–cut logging Forest Ecology and Management
433: 504-513.
DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2018.11.023 |
Ermilov S.,
Starý J. (2019) New taxa of oribatid mites (Acari, Oribatida) from the Korup National Park, Cameroon. The genus Malaconothrus Berlese 1904 (Malaconothridae) Zoologichesky Zhurnal
98,: 504–512.
DOI: 10.1134/S004451341903005X |
Hofmeister J., Hošek J., Brabec M., Hermy M., Dvořák D., Fellner R., Malíček J., Palice Z., Tenčík A., Holá E., Novozámská E., Kuras T., Trnka F., Zedek M., Kašák J., Gabriš R., Sedláček O.,
Tajovský K., Kadlec T. (2019) Shared affinity of various forest-dwelling taxa point to the continuity of temperate forests Ecological Indicators
101: 904–912.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2019.01.018 |
Kokořová P., Žurovcová M., Starý J. (2019) Phylogenetic relationships among the populations of the oribatid mite Pantelozetes paolii in European countries. In: Poster at Building bridges meeting - Micro-, Meso- and Macrofauna processes across systems; 20 -22 March 2019, Germany, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen |
Rost-Roszkowska M., Vilimova J.,
Tajovský K., Chachulska-Żymełka A., Sosinka A., Kszuk-Jendrysik M., Ostróżka A., Kaszuba F. (2019) Autophagy and apoptosis in the midgut epithelium of millipedes Microscopy and Microanalysis
25: 1004-1016.
DOI: 10.1017/S143192761900059X |
Shrubovych Y. (2019) Nienna chukotka sp. nov. (Protura, Acerentomidae, Nipponentominae) from the Arctic region, with a key to species of the genus ZooKeys
899: 37–45.
DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.899.47030 |
Shrubovych Y., Georgiev D.G., Fiera C. (2019) A new species of Acerentulus Berlese, 1908 (Protura, Acerentomata, Acerentomidae) from Bulgaria with a revised key to the confinis group ZooKeys
876: 27–38.
DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.876.36743 |
Šimek M., Borůvka L., Baldrian P.,
Bryndová M.,
Devetter M., Drábek O.,
Elhottová D.,
Háněl L., Houška J., Hynšt J.,
Chroňáková A.,
Jílková V., Konvalina P., Kopecký J., Kopecký M.,
Koubová A., Kováč Ľ.,
Kyselková M.,
Lukešová A.,
Macková J., Malý S., Marečková M., Moudrý J., Pavlů L., Penížek V.,
Pižl V., Semančíková E., Schlaghamerský J.,
Starý J., Šimek P.,
Šustr V.,
Tajovský K., Tejnecký V., Tkadlec E., Tuf I.,
Tůma J., Uhlík O., Vosátka M., Zádorová T. (2019) Živá půda: biologie, ekologie, využívání a degradace půdy. Praha: Academia,
789 s.
Štrobl M., Saska P., Seidl M., Kocian M.,
Tajovský K., Řezáč M., Skuhrovec J., Marhoul P., Zbuzek B., Jakubec P., Knapp M., Kadlec T. (2019) Impact of an invasive tree on arthropod assemblages in woodlots isolated within an intensive agricultural landscape Diversity and Distributions
25: 1800-1813.
DOI: 10.1111/ddi.12981 |
Tajovský K. (2019) Mnohonožky (Diplopoda), stonožky (Chilopoda) a suchozemští stejnonožci (Oniscidea) údolí Příčního potoka u Božic u Znojma. Thayensia
16: 3-10.
Wytwer J.,
Tajovský K. (2019) The Siberian centipede species Lithobius proximus Sseliwanoff, 1878 (Chilopoda, Lithobiomorpha): a new member of the Polish fauna ZooKeys
821: 1–10 .
DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.821.32250 |
Bezděčka P.,
Tajovský K. (2018) Sekáči (Opiliones) CHKO Brdy Bohemia centralis
34: 149-159.
Dolejš P., Mock A.,
Tajovský K. (2018) Interview: 70th birthday of Pavel Kocourek. Diplopodologist, painter and teacher Schubartiana
7: 7-21.