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Total found: 290 records
Šustr V., Pižl V. (2009) Oxygen consumption of the earthworm species Dendrobaena mrazeki European Journal of Soil Biology 45: 478-482.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ejsobi.2009.08.001
Zeithaml J., Pižl V., Sklenička P. (2009) Earthworm assemblages in an ecotone between forest and arable field and their relations with soil properties [Comunidades de minhocas em um ecótono entre ? oresta e campo arável e suas relaç?es com as propriedades do solo] Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira 44: 922-927.
DOI: 10.1590/S0100-204X2009000800018
Frouz J., Prach K., Pižl V., Háněl L., Starý J., Tajovský K., Materna J., Balík V., Kalčík J., Řehounková K. (2008) Interactions between soil development, vegetation and soil fauna during spontaneous succession in post mining sites European Journal of Soil Biology 44: 109-121.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ejsobi.2007.09.002
Mock A., Tajovský K. (2008) Mecogonopodium carpathicum n. sp. (Diplopoda: Chordeumatida: Attemsiidae), a new troglophilic millipede from Slovakia Zootaxa 26-36.
Tuf I., Wytwer J., Tajovský K. (2008) On the identity of the species described in the genus Lithobius Leach, 1814 by L. J. Dobroruka from the former Czechoslovakia (Czech and Slovak Republics) (Chilopoda: Lithobiomorpha) Zootaxa 37-46.
Frouz J., Elhottová D., Pižl V., Tajovský K., Šourková M., Pîcek T., Malý S. (2007) The effect of litter quality and soil faunal composition on organic matter dynamics in post-mining soil: A laboratory study Applied Soil Ecology 37: 72-80.
DOI: 10.1016/j.apsoil.2007.04.001
Frouz J., Pižl V., Tajovský K. (2007) The effect of earthworms and other saprophagous macrofauna on soil microstructure in reclaimed and un-reclaimed post-mining sites in Central Europe European Journal of Soil Biology 43: S184-S189.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ejsobi.2007.08.033
Pižl V., Schlaghamerský J. (2007) The impact of pedestrian activity on soil annelids in urban greens European Journal of Soil Biology 43: S68-S71.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ejsobi.2007.08.004
Schlaghamerský J., Šídová A., Pižl V. (2007) From mowing to grazing: Does the change in grassland management affect soil annelid assemblages? European Journal of Soil Biology 43: S72-S78.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ejsobi.2007.08.054
Starý J., Pižl V. (2007) Oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida) in casts and burrows of an endemic earthworm Dendrobaena mrazeki and in litter of thermophilous oak forests Ekologia Bratislava 26: 390-397.
Stašiov S., Tajovský K., Resl K. (2006) Restored meadow harvestman communities (Opiliones) in the Bílé Karpaty Protected Landscape Area, Czech Republic Biologia 61: 165-169.
Starý J. (2005) New oribatid mites of the superfamily Galumnoidea (Acari, Oribatida) from the Republic of Congo Biologia - Section Zoology 60: 113-119.
Starý J. (2005) Records of oribatid mites (Acari, Oribatida) of the families Galumnidae, Galumnellidae and Parakalummidae from Japan with description of two new species of the genus Pergalumna Biologia - Section Zoology 60: 107-111.
Šustr V., Elhottová D., Krištůfek V., Lukešová A., Nováková A., Tajovský K., Tříska J. (2005) Ecophysiology of the cave isopod Mesoniscus graniger (Frivaldszky, 1865) (Crustacea: Isopoda) European Journal of Soil Biology 41: 69-75.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ejsobi.2005.09.008
Frouz J., Pižl V., Tajovský K., Balík H., Starý J., Lukešová A., Šourková M. (2004) The role of saprophagous macro-fauna on soil formation in reclaimed and non-reclaimed post-mining sites in central Europe International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences 30: 257-261.
Thunes K., Skartveit J., Gjerde I., Starý J., Solh?y T., Fjellberg A., Kobro S. (2004) The arthropod community of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) canopies in Norway Entomologica Fennica Nartshuk, E. 15: 65-90.
Pižl V., Nováková A. (2003) Interactions between microfungi and Eisenia andrei (Oligochaeta) during cattle manure vermicomposting Pedobiologia 47: 895-899.
Frouz J., Keplin B., Pižl V., Tajovský K., Starý J., Lukešová A., Nováková A., Balík V., Háněl L., Materna J. (2001) Soil biota and upper soil layer development in two contrasting post-mining chronosequences Ecological Engineering 17: 275-284.
DOI: 10.1016/S0925-8574(00)00144-0
Krištůfek V., Nováková A., Pižl V. (2001) Coprophilous Streptomycetes and Fungi - Food Sources for Enchytraeid Worms (Enchytraeidae) Folia Microbiologica 46: 555-558.
Pižl V. (2001) Earthworm succession in afforested colliery spoil heaps in the Sokolov region, Czech Republic Restoration Ecology 9: 359-364.
DOI: 10.1046/j.1526-100X.2001.94004.x
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