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Total found: 246 records
Angst Š., Baldrian P., Harantová L., Cajthaml T., Frouz J. (2018) Different twig litter (Salix caprea) diameter does affect microbial community activity and composition but not decay rate FEMS Microbiology Ecology 94: DOI: 10.1093/femsec/fiy126
Frouz J. (2018) Effects of soil macro- and mesofauna on litter decomposition and soil organic matter stabilization Geoderma 332: 161-172.
DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2017.08.039
Frouz J., Mudrák O., Reitschmiedová E., Walmsley A., Vachová P., Šimáčková H., Albrechtová J., Moradi J., Kučera J. (2018) Rough wave-like heaped overburden promotes establishment of woody vegetation while leveling promotes grasses during unassisted post mining site development Journal of Environmental Management 205: 50-58.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2017.09.065
Heděnec P., Rui J., Lin Q., Yao M., Li J., Li H., Frouz J., Li X. (2018) Functional and phylogenetic response of soil prokaryotic community under an artificial moisture gradient Applied Soil Ecology 124: 372-378.
DOI: 10.1016/j.apsoil.2017.12.009
Heděnec P., Rui J., Yao M., Li J., Lin Q., Frouz J., Li X. (2018) Temporal response of soil prokaryotic communities to acidification and alkalization under laboratory conditions European Journal of Soil Biology 86: 63-71.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ejsobi.2018.03.005
Heděnec P., Singer D., Li J., Yao M., Lin Q., Li H., Kukla J., Cajthaml T., Frouz J., Rui J., Li X. (2018) Effect of dry-rewetting stress on response pattern of soil prokaryotic communities in alpine meadow soil Applied Soil Ecology 126: 98-106.
DOI: 10.1016/j.apsoil.2018.02.015
Jílková V., Cajthaml T., Frouz J. (2018) Relative importance of honeydew and resin for the microbial activity in wood ant nest and forest floor substrate – a laboratory study Soil Biology and Biochemistry 117: 1-4.
DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2017.11.002
Loeb R., van der Bij A., Bobbink R., Frouz J., Vogels J., Benetková P., van Diggelen R. (2018) Hoe ontwikkel je droog heischraal grasland op voormalige landbouwgrond? (How to develop dry Violion grassland on former agricultural land?) De Levende Natuur 119: 24-29.
Moradi J., Potocký P., Kočárek P., Bartuška M., Tajovský K., Tichánek F., Frouz J., Tropek R. (2018) Influence of surface flattening on biodiversity of terrestrial arthropods during early stages of brown coal spoil heap restoration. Journal of Environmental Management 220: 1-7.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2018.05.006
Moradi J., Vicentini F., Šimáčková H., Pižl V., Tajovský K., Starý J., Frouz J. (2018) An investigation into the long-term effect of soil transplant in bare spoil heaps on survival and migration of soil meso and macrofauna Ecological Engineering 110: 158-164.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2017.11.012
van der Bij A.U., Weijters M.J., Bobbink R., Harris J.A., Pawlett M., Ritz K., Benetková P., Moradi J., Frouz J., van Diggelen R. (2018) Facilitating ecosystem assembly: Plant-soil interactions as a restoration tool Biological Conservation 220: 272-279.
DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2018.02.010
Angst Š., Cajthaml T., Angst G., Šimáčková H., Brus J., Frouz J. (2017) Retention of dead standing plant biomass (marcescence) increases subsequent litter decomposition in the soil organic layer Plant and Soil 418: 571-579.
DOI: 10.1007/s11104-017-3318-6
Angst Š., Mueller C.W., Cajthaml T., Angst G., Lhotáková Z., Bartuška M., Špaldoňová A., Frouz J. (2017) Stabilization of soil organic matter by earthworms is connected with physical protection rather than with chemical changes of organic matter Geoderma 289: 29-35.
DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2016.11.017
Frouz J. (2017) Effects of soil development time and litter quality on soil carbon sequestration: Assessing soil carbon saturation with a field transplant experiment along a post-mining chronosequence Land Degradation & Development 28: 664-672.
DOI: 10.1002/ldr.2580
Harantová L., Mudrák O., Kohout P., Elhottová D., Frouz J., Baldrian P. (2017) Development of microbial community during primary succession in areas degraded by mining activities Land Degradation & Development 28: 2574-2584.
DOI: 10.1002/ldr.2817
Heděnec P., Vindušková O., Kukla J., Šnajdr J., Baldrian P., Frouz J. (2017) Enzyme activity of topsoii layer on reclaimed and unreclaimed post-mining sites Biological Communications 62: 19-25.
DOI: 10.21638/11701/spbu03.2017.103
Jílková V., Pech P., Mihaljevič M., Frouz J. (2017) Effects of the ants Formica sanguinea, Lasius niger, and Tetramorium cf. caespitum on soil properties in an ore-washery sedimentation basin Journal of Soils and Sediments 17: 2127-2135.
DOI: 10.1007/s11368-017-1667-7
Jílková V., Vohník M., Dauber J., Marten A., Šimáčková H., Frouz J. (2017) Low root biomass and occurrence of ectomycorrhizal exploration types in inhabited wood ant (Formica polyctena) nests in a temperate spruce forest European Journal of Soil Biology 79: 57-62.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ejsobi.2017.02.005
Józefowska A., Pietrzykowski M., Woś B., Cajthaml T., Frouz J. (2017) Relationships between respiration, chemical and microbial properties of afforested mine soils with different soil texture and tree species: Does the time of incubation matter European Journal of Soil Biology 80: 102-109.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ejsobi.2017.05.004
Józefowska A., Pietrzykowski M., Woś B., Cajthaml T., Frouz J. (2017) The effects of tree species and substrate on carbon sequestration and chemical and biological properties in reforested post-mining soils Geoderma 292: 9-16.
DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2017.01.008
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