Mgr. Veronika Jílková, Ph.D.
Job Position: Statutory representative , Head of Laboratory - Laboratory of Soil Organic Matter , Board member - Scientific council
+420 387 775 784
NB 330
Head of Laboratory of Soil Organic Matter
Deputy Director, Institute of Soil Biology and Biogeochemistry
Personal Data:
* 1986
Affiliation and address: Biology Centre CAS, v.v.i., Institute of Soil Biology and Biogeochemistry, Na Sádkách 7, 370 05 České Budějovice, Czech Republic, Phone.: +420 387 775 784, E-mail:
Current position: research scientist
Academic qualification:
Ph. D. Programme STARS, Environmental Sciences, Institute for Environmental Studies, Faculty of Sciences, Charles University, Prague (2015). Supervisor: Prof. Jan Frouz
MSc. Ecology of Animals, Faculty of Sciences, University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice (2011). Supervisor: Prof. Jan Frouz
BSc. Biology, Faculty of Sciences, University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice (2008). Supervisor: Prof. Jan Frouz
Research topics: Soil biology and chemistry, organic matter dynamics, forest ecosystem ecology, wood ant ecology
Professional experience:
2007 – till now Institute of Soil Biology and Biogeochemistry, Biology Centre CAS, v. v. i.
2012 – 2016 Institute of Botany CAS, v. v. i.
2011 – 2015 Institute for Environmental Studies, Faculty of Sciences, Charles University
2013 – 2014 Faculty of Sciences, University of South Bohemia
2013 Institute of Microbiology CAS, v. v. i.
2024 Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden
2024 University of Alicante, Alicante, Spain
2019 Institute for Biogeochemistry, Max-Planck Institute, Jena, Germany
2016 and 2018 James Hutton Institute, Aberdeen, United Kingdom
2012 and 2015 University of Cologne, Department of Terrestrial Ecology, Cologne, Germany
2012 Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany
2009 Joensuu Research Unit, Finnish Forest Research Institute, Joensuu, Finland
2020 till now Field Excursion on Soil Ecology, Charles University
2020 till now Modern Methods in Soil Biology, Charles University
2018 Hot Topics in Environmental Science, Charles University
2012-2014 Field Practical Excursion, Charles University
Supervisor of Theses:
Zhao Y. (2024-now) From the fire to the soil: Pyrogenic organic matter sequestration in forest soils affected by climate change. Ph. D. thesis. Faculty of Sciences, Charles University.
Ohrádková A. (2024-now) Carbon sequestration in soils of coniferous and deciduous forests affected by the input of root exudates and leaf litter leachates. Bachelor thesis. Faculty of Sciences, Charles University.
Joščáková A. (2023-now) Forest fire - a friend or foe of the soil carbon? Master thesis. Faculty of Sciences, Charles University.
Roblíková V. (2023-now) The effect of forest tree species shift on the quantity, quality and stability of density fractions of soil organic matter. Master thesis. Faculty of Sciences, Charles University.
Kellerová A. (2023-now) The effect of soil fauna on deciduous and coniferous litter decomposition in forest soils. Master thesis. Faculty of Sciences, University of South Bohemia.
Švábová B. (2022-2023) Adaptability of temperate forest soils to fire events. Bachelor thesis. Faculty of Sciences, Charles University.
Kellerová A. (2019-2022) Role of earthworms in decomposition and stabilization of maize biomass in soil. Bachelor thesis. Faculty of Sciences, University of South Bohemia.
Navrátilová D. (2017-2019) Potential of Arctic soils to sequester carbon on a successional gradient. Bachelor thesis. Faculty of Sciences, University of Hradec Králové.
Černá M. (2024-now) Utilization of atomic absorption spectrometry for evaluation of selected ion distribution in soils fortified with newly emerged soil additives from biological materials. Master thesis. Faculty of Sciences, University of South Bohemia.
Skotnicka S. (2024) Effect of tree species on belowground soil carbon inputs with the focus on beech and spruce. Bachelor thesis. Faculty of Sciences, Charles University.
High-school Projects - 5 defended theses
Open Science - 8 defended theses
122 reviews for international journals
panel member CSF 2023-now
expert evaluator MEYS 2024-now
4 reviews for national grant agencies
6 reviews for university grant agencies
Publications: 45 papers in peer-reviewed journals with IF (30 as first author), 1 book chapter. H-index 13, sum of times cited 603
CSF 25-15627S (co-principal investigator, Czech Science Foundation, 2025-2027, 10,994,000 CZK) Two in one: Can grassland biodiversity be restored through soil carbon sequestration?
TA CR SS07020063 (co-principal investigator, Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, 2024-2026, 10,383,000 CZK) Revitalization of phytotoxic soils using cyanobacteria and algae.
CSF 24-10016S (principal investigator, Czech Science Foundation, 2024-2026, 9,437,000 CZK) Pyroseq: Pyrogenic organic matter sequestration in forest soils affected by climate change.
TA CR SS06020267 (principal investigator, 2023-2025, 11,977,005 CZK) Innovative utilization of hydrolysate from animal waste for improvement of agricultural soil quality.
CSF 22-02550S (principal investigator, 2022-2024, 8,234,000 CZK) SOMForClim: Soil organic matter fractions and soil carbon storage as affected by forest type and climate change.
COST LTC20 (team member, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, 2020–2023, 4,373,000 CZK) Effect of fire on soil organic matter and the community of soil transforming organisms.
CSF 20-28265Y (team member, Czech Science Foundation, 2020-2022, 7,641,000 CZK) Microbial community coalescence (MICOCO): Interchange of entire communities and its consequences on soil microbial productivity and dissemination of risky bio-agents.
CSF 19-00533Y (team member, Czech Science Foundation, 2019-2021, 6,762,000 CZK) The formation and origin of stable soil organic matter in model and natural soils as affected by substrate quality.
CSF 17-08717S (principal investigator, Czech Science Foundation, 2017-2019, 7,400,000 CZK) Organic matter decomposition and carbon sequestration on a natural gradient of labile carbon sources in coniferous temperate forest soils.
CSF 17-20839S (team member, Czech Science Foundation, 2017-2019, 9,550,000 CZK) Linking functional traits of three organism levels as driving mechanisms of ecosystem functions in the Arctic.
CSF 17-10493S (team member, Czech Science Foundation, 2017-2019, 5,850,000 CZK) Inside the leaf microbiome: bacterial and fungal endophytes in the context of ecosystem development.
COST LTC17 (team member, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, 2017–2019, 2,291,000 CZK) The effect of soil fauna on carbon sequestration in extreme environments.
MSM 200961606 (principal investigator, Czech Academy of Sciences, 2016-2018, 838,000 CZK) Fresh and stable carbon decomposition and sequestration in temperate coniferous forest soils.
L 200961602 (Czech Academy of Sciences, Programme of Perspective Human Resources Support, 2016-2017, 1,000,000 CZK)
GA UK No. 574213 (principal investigator, Grant Agency of the Charles University in Prague, 2013-2014, 413,000 CZK) Budget of greenhouse gases in wood ant (Formica s.str.) nests and its dependence on environmental characteristics.
GA JU 164/2010/P (co-principal investigator, Grant Agency of the University of South Bohemia, 2010, 100,000 CZK) Dispersal possibilities and adaptations for myrmecochory in the genus Melampyrum.
Total found: 50 records
Kellerová A., Jílková V. (2025) Short-term effects of microbial exopolysaccharides and chicken feather hydrolysate vs. long-term effects of plant-derived biochar on temperate, coarse-textured agricultural soils Soil Use and Management
: Article number e70029. DOI: 10.1111/sum.70029 |
Angst G.,
Angst Š.,
Frouz J.,
Jabinski S., Jílková V., Kukla J.,
Li M.,
Meador T.B.,
Angel R. (2024) Stabilized microbial necromass in soil is more strongly coupled with microbial diversity than the bioavailability of plant inputs Soil Biology and Biochemistry
: Article number 109323. DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2024.109323 |
Angst Š., Mudrák O.,
Frouz J., Jílková V., Schnablová R., Straková P., Veselá H.,
Angst G. (2024) The effect of dead standing (marcescent) biomass on litter decomposition in herbaceous flora is governed by plant functional group Functional Ecology
: 1309–1319. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.14544 |
Chroňáková A., Choma M.,
Kotrbová L.,
Lara Rodriguez A., Villeneuve C.,
Calvillo-Medina R., Jílková V., Kodešová R. (2024) Arenosol Epieuric and Haplic Cambisol show a similar level of resilience of microbial communities when irrigated with treated wastewater in a temperate climate Applied Soil Ecology
: Article number 105693. DOI: 10.1016/j.apsoil.2024.105693 |
Farská J., Jílková V., Frelich L.E.,
Starý J.,
Devetter M. (2024) Long-term post-fire recovery of oribatid mites depends on the recovery of soil properties in a fire-adapted pine forest Trees, Forests and People
: Article number 100536. DOI: 10.1016/j.tfp.2024.100536 |
Frei I., Jílková V., Kotyzová M., Laštůvka Z., Malenovský I., Musil Z.,
Pižl V., Řehová V.,
Starý J., Straková M., Šefrová H.,
Tajovský K.,
Tůma J., Vašíček M., Vymyslický T. (2024) Studie zatravněných ploch v CHKO Moravský kras Ochrana přírody
79 (6)
: 16 - 20. |
Jabinski S.,
de Melo Rangel W.,
Kopáček M., Jílková V., Jansa J.,
Meador T.B. (2024) Constraining activity and growth substrate of fungal decomposers via assimilation patterns of inorganic carbon and water into lipid biomarkers Applied and Environmental Microbiology
: 1-17. DOI: 10.1128/aem.02065-23 |
Jílková V., Macek P.,
Angst G., Bartuška M.,
Starý J.,
Šustr V.,
Devetter M. (2024) Macrofauna amplify plant litter decomposition and stabilization in arctic soils in a warming climate. Soil Biology and Biochemistry
: 109245. DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2023.109245 |
Kellerová A.,
Angst G., Jílková V. (2024) Earthworms facilitate stabilization of both more-available maize biomass and more-recalcitrant maize biochar on mineral particles in an agricultural soil Soil Biology and Biochemistry
: Article number 109278. DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2023.109278 |
Tůmová M., Jílková V., Macek P.,
Devetter M. (2024) Tardigrade distribution in soils of high Arctic habitats Ecology and Evolution
: Article number e11386. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.11386 |
Jílková V. (2023) Biochar-application rate and method affect nutrient availability and retention in a coarse-textured, temperate agricultural Cambisol in a microcosm experiment Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science
: 209–216. DOI: 10.1002/jpln.202200331 |
Jílková V., Adámek M.,
Angst G.,
Tůmová M.,
Devetter M. (2023) Post-fire forest floor succession in a Central European temperate forest depends on organic matter input from recovering vegetation rather than on pyrogenic carbon input from fire Science of the Total Environment
: Article number 160659. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.160659 |
Jílková V., Chroňáková A., Elhottová D., Frouz J., Heděnec P., Kotrbová L., Moudrý J., Tajovský K., Tůma J., Vavříková J., Záhora J. (2023) Půdní živote, nedej se! SSČ AVČR, Praha, 70 pp. |
Jílková V.,
Devetter M. (2023) Chvála (dřevěnému) uhlí Vesmír
102 (12)
: 700-702. |
Jílková V., Sim A., Thornton B., Paterson E. (2023) Grass rather than legume species decreases soil organic matter decomposition with nutrient addition Soil Biology and Biochemistry
: Article number 108936. DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2022.108936 |
Yang S.,
Angst G., Jandová K., Kukla J.,
Meador T.B., Paterson E., Jílková V. (2023) Early- and later-stage priming effects induced by spruce root fractions are regulated by substrate availability, stoichiometry and C input Geoderma
: Article number 116610. DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2023.116610 |
Angst Š., Veselá H.,
Bartuška M., Jílková V.,
Frouz J.,
Angst G. (2022) Changes in the quality of marcescent and shed senescent leaves during the dormant season Plant and Soil
: 373-382. DOI: 10.1007/s11104-022-05341-4 |
Jílková V.,
Angst G. (2022) Biochar and compost amendments to a coarse-textured temperate agricultural soil lead to nutrient leaching Applied Soil Ecology
: Article number 104393. DOI: 10.1016/j.apsoil.2022.104393 |
Jílková V., Jandová K., Cajthaml T., Kukla J., Jansa J. (2022) Differences in the flow of spruce-derived needle leachates and root exudates through a temperate coniferous forest mineral topsoil Geoderma
: Article number 115441. DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2021.115441 |
Renčo M., Adámek M., Jílková V.,
Devetter M. (2022) Post-fire recovery of soil nematode communities depends on fire severity Diversity
: Article number 1116. DOI: 10.3390/d14121116 |