prof. Ing. Ivo Šafařík, DrSc.

Job Position: Head of Laboratory - Nanobiotechnology

Contact details

Phone: +420 387 775 608
Room: 140

Total found: 103 records
Šafařík I., Procházková J., Kikionis S., Roussis V., Ioannou E. (2025) Development of a textile solid-phase extraction method employing the marine sulfated polysaccharide ulvan for the extraction and analysis of cationic dyes Chemosensors 13 : Article number 75.
DOI: 10.3390/chemosensors13020075
Bury P., Veveričík M., Černobila F., Tomašovičová N., Lacková V., Kónyová K., Šafařík I., Petrenko V., Tomchuk O., Timko M., Kopčanský P. (2024) The role of diamonds dispersed in ferronematic liquid crystals on structural properties Crystals 14 : Article number 202.
DOI: 10.3390/cryst14030202
Kovalchuk O.V., Procházková J., Kolanowska A., Boncel S., Mariano J., Zolochevska K., Kovalchuk T.M., Kopčanský P., Šafařík I. (2024) Effect of modification of nonwoven textiles with biochar and multi-walled carbon nanotubes on their dielectric properties Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics 27 : 308-314.
DOI: 10.15407/spqeo27.03.308
Sabotič J., Bayram E., Ezra D., Gaudêncio S.P., Haznedaroğlu B.Z., Janež N., Ktari L., Luganini A., Mandalakis M., Šafařík I., Simes D., Strode E., Toruńska-Sitarz A., Varamogianni-Mamatsi D., Varese G.C., Vasquez M.I. (2024) A guide to the use of bioassays in exploration of natural resources Biotechnology Advances 71 : Article number 108307.
DOI: 10.1016/j.biotechadv.2024.108307
Šafařík I., Akgül F., Procházková J., Akgül R. (2024) Native and magnetically modified Ulva rigida biomass for dye removal Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery 14 : 32359–32365.
DOI: 10.1007/s13399-023-04938-8
Šafařík I., Procházková J. (2024) Soil montmorillonite can exhibit peroxidase-like activity Clay Minerals 59 : 22-25.
DOI: 10.1180/clm.2024.3
Šafařík I., Procházková J. (2024) Color catcher sheets for the construction of low‑cost, planar optical sensors Fibers and Polymers 25 : 4099–4107.
DOI: 10.1007/s12221-024-00713-2
Šafařík I., Procházková J., Zelená Pospíšková K. (2024) Copper–chitosan-modified magnetic textile as a peroxidase-mimetic catalyst for dye removal Separations 11 : Article number 325.
DOI: 10.3390/separations11110325
Bielas R., Kubiak T., Kopčanský P., Šafařík I., Józefczak A. (2023) Tunable particle shells of thermo-responsive liquid marbles under alternating magnetic field Journal of Molecular Liquids 391 : Article number 123283.
DOI: 10.1016/j.molliq.2023.123283
Ernst D., Kolenčík M., Šebesta M., Ďurišová L’., Ďúranová H., Kšiňan S., Illa R., Šafařík I., Černý I., Kratošová G., Žitniak Čurná V., Ivanič Porhajašová J., Babošová M., Feng H., Dobročka E., Bujdoš M., Zelená Pospíšková K., Afzal S., Singh N.K., Swamiappan S., Aydin E. (2023) Agronomic investigation of spray dispersion of metal-based nanoparticles on sunflowers in real-world environments Plants 12 : Article number 1789.
DOI: 10.3390/plants12091789
Eroldoğan O.T., Glencross B., Novoveská L., Gaudêncio S.P., Rinkevich B., Varese G.C., de Fátima Carvalho, M., Tasdemir D., Šafařík I., Nielsen S.L., Rebours C., Lada L.B., Robbens J., Strode E., Haznedaroğlu B.Z., Kotta J., Evliyaoğlu E., Oliveira J., Girão M., Vasquez M.I., Čabarkapa I., Rakita S., Klun K., Rotter A. (2023) From the sea to aquafeed: A perspective overview Reviews in Aquaculture 15 : 1028–1057.
DOI: 10.1111/raq.12740
Ivanoska-Dacikj A., Oguz-Gouillart Y, Hossain G., Kaplan M., Sivri C., Ros-Lis J.V., Mikucioniene D., Munir M.U. , Kizildag N., Unal S., Šafařík I., Akgül E., Yildirim N., Bedeloglu A.C., Ünsal Ö.F., Hervig G., Rossi R.M., Wick P., Clement P., Sarac A.S. (2023) Advanced and smart textiles during and after the COVID-19 pandemic: Issues, challenges, and innovations Healthcare 11 : Article number 1115.
DOI: 10.3390/healthcare11081115
Józefczak A., Kaczmarek K., Bielas R., Procházková J., Šafařík I. (2023) Magneto-responsive textiles for non-invasive heating International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 : Article number 11744.
DOI: 10.3390/ijms241411744
Kopčanský P., Balejčíková L., Molčan M., Štrbák O., Šafařík I., Baldíková E., Procházková J., Angelova R., Zelená Pospíšková K., Rajnák M., Paulovičová K., Karpets M., Timko M., Tomasovičová N., Zakutanská K., Lacková V., Bury P. (2023) Magnetic nanoparticles change the properties of traditional materials and open up new application possibilities In: Pant,R.P., Singh,V.N., Jain,K., Gautam,A. (eds.), Material Aspects of Ferrofluids, Taylor and Francis, pp. 213-249.
Lukić Bilela L., Matijošytė I., Krutkevičius J., Alexandrino D.A.M., Šafařík I., Burlakovs J., Gaudêncio S.P., Carvalho M.F. (2023) Impact of per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) on the marine environment: Raising awareness, challenges, legislation, and mitigation approaches under the One Health concept Marine Pollution Bulletin 194 : Article number 115309.
DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2023.115309
Šafařík I., Procházková J. (2023) Semiquantitative color catcher and smartphone-based analysis of synthetic food dyes in alcohol containing beverages Talanta 262 : Article number 124686.
DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2023.124686
Zabashta Yu.F., Kovalchuk V.I., Kopčanský P., Šafařík I., Lazarenko M.M., Vergun L.Yu., Bulavin L.A. (2023) Structural features of lamellar-chain hydrogels Ukrainian Journal of Physics 68 : 536-542.
Fischer T., Marchetti-Deschmann M., Assis A.C., Elad M.L., Algarra M., Barac M., Bogdanovic Radovic I., Cicconi F., Claes B., Frascione N., George S., Guedes A., Heaton C., Heeren R., Lazic V., Lerma J.L., del Valle Martinez M., Nosko M., O'Hara J., Oshina I., Palucci A., Pawlaczyk A., Zelená Pospíšková K., de Puit M., Radodic K., Rēpele M., Ristova M., Romolo F.S., Šafařík I., Siketic Z., Spigulis J., Szynkowska-Jozwik M.I., Tsiatsiuyeu A., Vella J., Dawson L., Rödiger S., Francese S. (2022) Profiling and imaging of forensic evidence – A pan-European forensic round robin study part 1: Document forgery Science & Justice 62 : 433–447.
DOI: 10.1016/j.scijus.2022.06.001
Gombos J., Balejčíková L., Kopčanský P., Bátková M., Siposová K., Kováč J., Zolochevska K., Šafařík I., Lokajová A., Garamus V., Dobrota D., Štrbák O. (2022) Destruction of lysozyme amyloid fibrils induced by magnetoferritin and reconstructed ferritin International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 : Article number 13926.
DOI: 10.3390/ijms232213926
Józefczak A., Opieliński K.J., Bielas R., Pruchnicki P., Bułkowski M., Jędrzak A., Šafařík I., Kopčanský P. (2022) Ultrasound transmission tomography-guided heating with nanoparticles Measurement 197 : Article number 111345.
DOI: 10.1016/j.measurement.2022.111345

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Biology Centre CAS
Institute of Soil Biology and Biogeochemistry
Na Sádkách 702/7
370 05 České Budějovice

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