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Frouz J., Jandová K. (2023) Soluble phenols in litter are reduced during passage through the soil macrofauna gut due to the formation of insoluble complexes with proteins: A case study with isopods and Diptera larvae Soil Biology and Biochemistry 187: Article number 109191.
DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2023.109191
Frouz J., Kukla J., Umari R., Whitfeld T., Novotný V. (2023) Soil fauna bioturbation along a successional gradient following swidden agriculture in the lowland tropical rainforests of New Guinea Catena 229: Article number 107203.
DOI: 10.1016/j.catena.2023.107203
Gabay T., Petrová E., Gillor O., Ziv Y., Angel R. (2023) Only a minority of bacteria grow after wetting in both natural and post-mining biocrusts in a hyperarid phosphate mine Soil 9: 231–242.
DOI: 10.5194/soil-9-231-2023
Gunjal A., Gupta Shruti, Nweze J., Nweze J. (2023) Metagenomics in bioremediation: Recent advances, challenges, and perspectives In: Kumar V., Bilal M., Shahi S.K., Garg V.K., (Eds.): Metagenomics to Bioremediation. Applications, Cutting Edge Tools, and Future Outlook. Elsevier, pp. 81-101. ISBN 978-0-323-96113-4. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-323-96113-4.00018-4
Harjung A., Schweichhart J., Rasch G., Griebler C. (2023) Large-scale study on groundwater dissolved organic matter reveals a strong heterogeneity and a complex microbial footprint Science of the Total Environment 854: Article number 158542.
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.158542
Hiiesalu I., Schweichhart J., Angel R., Davison J., Doležal J., Kopecký M., Macek M. , Řeháková K. (2023) Plant-symbiotic fungal diversity tracks variation in vegetation and the abiotic environment along an extended elevational gradient in the Himalayas FEMS Microbiology Ecology 99: Article number fiad092.
DOI: 10.1093/femsec/fiad092
Hrbáček J., Tláskal V., Čermák P., Hanáček V., Zachoval R. (2023) Bladder cancer is associated with decreased urinary microbiota diversity and alterations in microbial community composition Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations 41: 107.e15-107.e22.
DOI: 10.1016/j.urolonc.2022.09.018
Ivanoska-Dacikj A., Oguz-Gouillart Y, Hossain G., Kaplan M., Sivri C., Ros-Lis J.V., Mikucioniene D., Munir M.U. , Kizildag N., Unal S., Šafařík I., Akgül E., Yildirim N., Bedeloglu A.C., Ünsal Ö.F., Hervig G., Rossi R.M., Wick P., Clement P., Sarac A.S. (2023) Advanced and smart textiles during and after the COVID-19 pandemic: Issues, challenges, and innovations Healthcare 11: Article number 1115.
DOI: 10.3390/healthcare11081115
Jameson E., Taubert M., Angel R., Coyotzi S., Chen Y., Eyice Ö., Schäfer H., Murrell J.C., Neufeld J.D., Dumont M.G. (2023) DNA-, RNA-, and protein-based stable-isotope probing for high-throughput biomarker analysis of active microorganisms In: Streit, W.R., Daniel, R. (eds.): Metagenomics: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology. New York, Humana, roč. 2555, pp. 261-282. ISBN 978-1-0716-2794-5. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-0716-2795-2_17
Janáč M., Devetter M. (2023) Na počátku byl popel 2 Vesmír 102 (12): 704-705.
Jílková V. (2023) Biochar-application rate and method affect nutrient availability and retention in a coarse-textured, temperate agricultural Cambisol in a microcosm experiment Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 186: 209–216.
DOI: 10.1002/jpln.202200331
Jílková V., Adámek M., Angst G., Tůmová M., Devetter M. (2023) Post-fire forest floor succession in a Central European temperate forest depends on organic matter input from recovering vegetation rather than on pyrogenic carbon input from fire Science of the Total Environment 861: Article number 160659.
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.160659
Jílková V., Chroňáková A., Elhottová D., Frouz J., Heděnec P., Kotrbová L., Moudrý J., Tajovský K., Tůma J., Vavříková J., Záhora J. (2023) Půdní živote, nedej se! SSČ AVČR, Praha, 70 pp.
Jílková V., Devetter M. (2023) Chvála (dřevěnému) uhlí Vesmír 102 (12): 700-702.
Jílková V., Sim A., Thornton B., Paterson E. (2023) Grass rather than legume species decreases soil organic matter decomposition with nutrient addition Soil Biology and Biochemistry 177: Article number 108936.
DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2022.108936
Jiménez Santos M., Figueroa-Sánchez M.A. (2023) Animales microscópicos, Rotíferos y su uso como máquinas limpiadoras del agua (Microscopic animals, rotifers and their use as water-cleaning machines) Revista de divulgación científica iBIO 5 (2): Article number M129.
Józefczak A., Kaczmarek K., Bielas R., Procházková J., Šafařík I. (2023) Magneto-responsive textiles for non-invasive heating International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24: Article number 11744.
DOI: 10.3390/ijms241411744
Khajehali J., Poorjavad N., Bolandnazar A., Shahim-Germi F., Kimiaie M., Ardestani Masoud M. (2023) Efficiency of plant-based acaricide gels compared to fluvalinate-impregnated strips for control of Varroa destructor in honey bee colonies Experimental and Applied Acarology 91: 57–67.
DOI: 10.1007/s10493-023-00833-z
Kišidayová S., Scholcová N., Mihaliková K., Váradyová Z., Pristaš P., Weisskopf Stanislava, Chrudimský T., Chroňáková A., Šimek M., Šustr V. (2023) Some aspects of the physiology of the Nyctotherus velox, a commensal ciliated protozoon taken from the hindgut of the tropical millipede Archispirostreptus gigas Life 13: Article number 1110.
DOI: 10.3390/ life13051110
Kolář V., Chmelová E., Bílková M., Borovec J., Carreira B., Černý M., Ditrich T., Horká P., Hrivniak Ľ., Hrubý F., Jan J., Landeira Dabarca A., Lepšová-Skácelová O., Musilová Z., Otáhalová Š., Poláková M., Polášková V., Sacherová V., Špaček J., Sroka P., Vebrová L., Boukal D., Tropek R. (2023) Muddying the unexplored post-industrial waters: Biodiversity and conservation potential of freshwater habitats in fly ash sedimentation lagoons. Science of the Total Environment 900: 165803.
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.165803
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