Total found: 126 records |
Kopáček J., Kaňa J., Šantrůčková H.,
Porcal P., Hejzlar J., Pîcek T.,
Šimek M., Veselý J. (2002) Physical, chemical, and biochemical characteristics of soils in watersheds of the Bohemian Forest lakes: II. Čertovo and Černé Lakes. Silva Gabreta
8: 67–93..
Šimek M., Cooper J. (2002) The influence of soil pH on denitrification: Progress towards the understanding of this interaction over the last 50 years European Journal of Soil Science
53: 345-354.
DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-2389.2002.00461.x
Šimek M.,
Jíšová L., Hopkins D. (2002) What is the so-called optimum pH for denitrification in soil? Soil Biology and Biochemistry
34: 1227-1234.
DOI: 10.1016/S0038-0717(02)00059-7
Šantrůčková H., Pîcek T.,
Šimek M., Bauer V., Kopecký J., Pechar L., Lukavská J., Čížková H. (2001) Decomposition processes in soil of a healthy and a declining phragmites australis stand Aquatic Botany
69: 217-234.
DOI: 10.1016/S0304-3770(01)00140-1
Webster E., Hopkins D., Chudek J., Haslam S.,
Šimek M., Pîcek T. (2001) The relationship between microbial carbon and the resource quality of soil carbon Journal of Environmental Quality
30: 147-150.
Pîcek T., Lusby F., Čížková H., Šučková H.,
Šimek M., Květ J., Pechar L. (2000) Microbial activities in soils of a healthy and a declining reed stand Hydrobiologia
418: 45-55.
DOI: 10.1023/A:1003836015918
Pîcek T.,
Šimek M., Šantrůčková H. (2000) Microbial responses to fluctuation of soil aeration status and redox conditions Biology and Fertility of Soils
31: 315-322.
Šimek M. (2000) Changes in potential denitrification and respiration during the cold storage of soils Folia Microbiologica
45: 187-190.
Šimek M., Cooper J., Pîcek T., Šantrůčková H. (2000) Denitrification in arable soils in relation to their physico-chemical properties and fertilization practice Soil Biology and Biochemistry
32: 101-110.
DOI: 10.1016/S0038-0717(99)00137-6
Šimek M. (1999) The response of denitrifiers in a sandy loam soil affected by a long-term fertilization to organic carbon and nitrate Folia Microbiologica
44: 85-89.
Šimek M., Hopkins D. (1999) Regulation of potential denitrification by soil pH in long-term fertilized arable soils Biology and Fertility of Soils
30: 41-47.
DOI: 10.1007/s003740050585
Šimek M., Pîcek T., Šantrůčková H., Hopkins D.,
Kalčík J., Staňa J., Trávník K. (1999) Biological and chemical properties of arable soils affected by long-term organic and inorganic fertilizer applications Biology and Fertility of Soils
29: 300-308.
DOI: 10.1007/s003740050556
Šimek M., Šantrůčková H. (1999) Influence of storage of soil samples on microbial biomass and its activity [Vliv skladování půdních vzorků na mikrobiální biomasu a její aktivitu] Rostlinna Vyroba
45: 415-419.
Kobes M.,
Šimek M. (1998) The influence of grass species on the enforcement of red clover in mixture swards [Vliv travní komponenty na uplatnění jetele lučního v jetelotravní směsce] Rostlinna Vyroba
44: 177-181.
Šimek M. (1998) Denitrification in soil - Terminology and methodology (review) [Denitrifikace v půdě - Terminologie a metodologie (studie)] Rostlinna Vyroba
44: 385-394.
Šimek M. (1998) Influence of fertilization and soil properties on denitrification in some arable lands in the CZECH REPUBLIC [Vliv hnojení a půdních vlastností na denitrifikaci ve vybraných orných půdách ČR] Rostlinna Vyroba
44: 395-402.
Šimek M.,
Kalčík J. (1998) Carbon and nitrate utilization in soils: The effect of long-term fertilization on potential denitrification Geoderma
83: 269-280.
DOI: 10.1016/S0016-7061(98)00002-0
Hopkins D., Dundee L., Webster E.,
Šimek M. (1997) Biological production and consumption of nitrous oxide in soils European Journal of Soil Biology
33: 145-151.
Šantrůčková H.,
Šimek M. (1997) Effect of soil CO2 concentration on microbial biomass Biology and Fertility of Soils
25: 269-273.
DOI: 10.1007/s003740050313
Šustr V.,
Šimek M. (1996) Behavioural responses to and lethal effects of elevated carbon dioxide concentration in soil invertebrates European Journal of Soil Biology
32: 149-155.