Total found: 1237 records |
Pižl V. (1999) Development of earthworm populations in afforested colliery spoil heaps in northern Bohemia, Czech Republic Pedobiologia
43: 691-697.
Pižl V. (1999) Earthworm communities in hardwood floodplain forests of the Morava and Dyje rivers as influenced by different inundation regimes Ekologia Bratislava
18: 197-204.
Pižl V. (1999) Earthworm succession in abandoned fields - A comparison of deductive and sequential approaches to study Pedobiologia
43: 705-712.
Rusek J., Balík V.,
Háněl L.,
Frouz J. (1999) Improved method for comparing abundance data for soil zoological field studies European Journal of Soil Biology
35: 145-152.
DOI: 10.1016/S1164-5563(00)00115-1
Šantrůčková H., Šantrůček J., Květoň J., Šimková M.,
Elhottová D., Roháček K. (1999) Carbon balance of a winter wheat-root microbiota system under elevated CO2 Photosynthetica
36: 341-354.
DOI: 10.1023/A:1007081419206
Šimek M. (1999) The response of denitrifiers in a sandy loam soil affected by a long-term fertilization to organic carbon and nitrate Folia Microbiologica
44: 85-89.
Šimek M., Hopkins D. (1999) Regulation of potential denitrification by soil pH in long-term fertilized arable soils Biology and Fertility of Soils
30: 41-47.
DOI: 10.1007/s003740050585
Šimek M., Pîcek T., Šantrůčková H., Hopkins D.,
Kalčík J., Staňa J., Trávník K. (1999) Biological and chemical properties of arable soils affected by long-term organic and inorganic fertilizer applications Biology and Fertility of Soils
29: 300-308.
DOI: 10.1007/s003740050556
Šimek M., Šantrůčková H. (1999) Influence of storage of soil samples on microbial biomass and its activity [Vliv skladování půdních vzorků na mikrobiální biomasu a její aktivitu] Rostlinna Vyroba
45: 415-419.
Šustr V., Hubert J. (1999) The influence of thermal acclimation on the amylolytic activity and microanatomy of the alimentary tract of the oribatid mite Galumna elimata (Acari: Oribatei) European Journal of Entomology
96: 189-198.
Tajovský K. (1999) Impact of inundations on terrestrial arthropod assemblages in Southern Moravian floodplain forests, the Czech Republic Ekologia Bratislava
18: 177-184.
Devetter M. (1998) Influence of environmental factors on the rotifer assemblage in an artificial lake Hydrobiologia
387-388: 171-178.
Háněl L. (1998) Distribution of nematodes in soil, mycorrhiz?i s6$k mycorrhizae and roots of spruce forests at the Boubin Mount, Czech Republic Biologia
53: 593-603.
Hopkins D., Chudek J., Bignell D.,
Frouz J., Webster E., Lawson T. (1998) Application of 13C NMR to investigate the transformations and biodegradation of organic materials by wood- and soil-feeding termites, and a coprophagous litter-dwelling dipteran larva Biodegradation
9: 423-431.
DOI: 10.1023/A:1008313309557
Kobes M.,
Šimek M. (1998) The influence of grass species on the enforcement of red clover in mixture swards [Vliv travní komponenty na uplatnění jetele lučního v jetelotravní směsce] Rostlinna Vyroba
44: 177-181.
Machovič V.,
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92: 155-156.
Rusek J. (1998) Biodiversity of Collembola and their functional role in the ecosystem Biodiversity and Conservation
7: 1207-1219.
DOI: 10.1023/A:1008887817883
Šimek M. (1998) Denitrification in soil - Terminology and methodology (review) [Denitrifikace v půdě - Terminologie a metodologie (studie)] Rostlinna Vyroba
44: 385-394.
Šimek M. (1998) Influence of fertilization and soil properties on denitrification in some arable lands in the CZECH REPUBLIC [Vliv hnojení a půdních vlastností na denitrifikaci ve vybraných orných půdách ČR] Rostlinna Vyroba
44: 395-402.
Šimek M.,
Kalčík J. (1998) Carbon and nitrate utilization in soils: The effect of long-term fertilization on potential denitrification Geoderma
83: 269-280.
DOI: 10.1016/S0016-7061(98)00002-0