Total found: 58 records |
Šimek M., Borůvka L., Baldrian P.,
Bryndová M.,
Devetter M., Drábek O.,
Elhottová D.,
Háněl L., Houška J., Hynšt J.,
Chroňáková A.,
Jílková V., Konvalina P., Kopecký J., Kopecký M.,
Koubová A., Kováč Ľ.,
Kyselková M.,
Lukešová A.,
Macková J., Malý S., Marečková M., Moudrý J., Pavlů L., Penížek V.,
Pižl V., Semančíková E., Schlaghamerský J.,
Starý J., Šimek P.,
Šustr V.,
Tajovský K., Tejnecký V., Tkadlec E., Tuf I.,
Tůma J., Uhlík O., Vosátka M., Zádorová T. (2019) Živá půda: biologie, ekologie, využívání a degradace půdy. Praha: Academia,
789 s.
Parimuchová A.,
Šustr V.,
Devetter M., Vošta O., Popa I., Kováč Ľ. (2018) The activity of saccharolytic enzymes in Collembola is associated with species affinity for caves International Journal of Speleology
47: 155-163.
DOI: 10.5038/1827-806X.47.2.2150 |
Procházková P., Hanč A., Dvořák J., Roubalová R., Drešlová M., Částková T.,
Šustr V., Škanta F., Navarro Pacheco N.I., Bilej M. (2018) Contribution of Eisenia andrei earthworms in pathogen reduction during vermicomposting Environmental Science and Pollution Research
25: 26267-26278.
DOI: 10.1007/s11356-018-2662-2 |
Raschmanová N.,
Šustr V., Kováč Ľ., Parimuchová A.,
Devetter M. (2018) Testing the climatic variability hypothesis in edaphic and subterranean Collembola (Hexapoda) Journal of Thermal Biology
78: 391-400.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jtherbio.2018.11.004 |
Rost-Roszkowska M., Vilímová J.,
Tajovský K.,
Šustr V., Sosinka A., Kszuk-Jendrysik M., Ostróżka A., Kaszuba F., Kamińska K., Marchewka A. (2018) The ultrastructure of the hepatic cells in millipedes (Myriapoda, Diplopoda) Zoologischer Anzeiger
274: 95-102.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jcz.2018.01.006 |
Maxinová E.,
Šustr V., Uhrin M. (2017) Digestive enzymes in Rhinolophus euryale (Rhinolophidae, Chiroptera) are active also during hibernation European Journal of Ecology
3: 91-96.
DOI: 10.1515/eje-2017-0010 |
Popa I.,
Šustr V. (2017) First record of Lipothrix italica (Cassagnau, 1968) (Hexapoda: Collembola) in Romania Travaux de L`Institut de Spéologie "Emile Racovitza"
56: 51–55.
Raschmanová N., Žurovcová M., Kováč Ĺ., Paučulová L.,
Šustr V., Jarošová A., Chundelová D. (2017) The cold-adapted population of Folsomia manolachei (Hexapoda, Collembola) from a glaciated karst doline of Central Europe: evidence for a cryptic species? Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research
55: 19-28.
DOI: 10.1111/jzs.12150 |
Giurginca A.,
Šustr V.,
Tajovský K. (2016) Morphological structures on the integument of Mesoniscus graniger Travaux de L`Institut de Spéologie "Emile Racovitza"
55: 129-133.
Popa I.,
Šustr V. (2016) Collembola (Hexapoda) from Mehedinți Mountains (SW Carpathians, Romania), with four new records for the Romanian fauna Travaux de L`Institut de Spéologie "Emile Racovitza"
55: 119-127.
Giurginca A.,
Šustr V.,
Tajovský K., Giurginca M., Matei I. (2015) Spectroscopic parameters of the cuticle and ethanol extracts of the fluorescent cave isopod Mesoniscus graniger (Isopoda, Oniscidea) ZooKeys
2015: 111-125.
DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.515.9395 |
Raschmanová N., Miklisová D., Kováč Ĺ.,
Šustr V. (2015) Community composition and cold tolerance of soil Collembola in a collapse karst doline with strong microclimate inversion Biologia (Poland)
70: 802-811.
DOI: 10.1515/biolog-2015-0095 |
Smrž J., Kováč Ĺ., Mikeš J.,
Šustr V.,
Lukešová A.,
Tajovský K.,
Nováková A., Režňáková P. (2015) Food sources of selected terrestrial cave arthropods Subterranean Biology
16: 37-46.
DOI: 10.3897/subtbiol.16.8609 |
Šustr V.,
Chroňáková A.,
Semanová S.,
Tajovský K.,
Šimek M. (2014) Methane production and methanogenic archaea in the digestive tracts of millipedes (Diplopoda) PLoS ONE
9: -.
Šustr V., Stingl U., Brune A. (2014) Microprofiles of oxygen, redox potential, and pH, and microbial fermentation products in the highly alkaline gut of the saprophagous larva of Penthetria holosericea (Diptera: Bibionidae) Journal of Insect Physiology
67: 64-69.
Procházková P.,
Šustr V., Dvořák J., Roubalová R., Škanta F.,
Pižl V., Bilej M. (2013) Correlation between the activity of digestive enzymes and nonself recognition in the gut of Eisenia andrei earthworms Journal of Invertebrate Pathology
114: 217-221.
Schlaghamerský J., Kašpar J., Petráková L.,
Šustr V. (2013) Trophobiosis in the arboricolous ant Liometopum microcephalum (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Dolichoderinae) European Journal of Entomology
110: 231-239.
Hubert J., Pekár S., Nesvorná M.,
Šustr V. (2010) Temperature preference and respiration of acaridid mites Journal of Economic Entomology
103: 2249-2257.
DOI: 10.1603/EC10237 |
Šustr V.,
Pižl V. (2010) Temperature dependence and ontogenetic changes of metabolic rate of an endemic earthworm Dendrobaena mrazeki Biologia
65: 289-293.
DOI: 10.2478/s11756-010-0019-5 |
Šustr V.,
Pižl V. (2009) Oxygen consumption of the earthworm species Dendrobaena mrazeki European Journal of Soil Biology
45: 478-482.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ejsobi.2009.08.001 |